Aurora CO, United States

Thank you for your Support!

Just wanted to drop a note to all our Patrons letting you know that your support has really helped us to really achieve some awesome things!

We have been accepted to 4 Web Fests.  (New Jersey Web Fest, Miami Web Fest, Apulia Web Fest and Minnesota Web Fest) 

We have been featured with some pretty awesome audiodramas and even had a feed drop from our buddy Tim Krause from Omen!  (will post the raw video for you patron supporters here in a second.) 

because of this I noticed we have increased our monthly downloads over 10X since last year!  AMAZING!  we can’t thank you enough so I want you to know we have several AWESOME things in the works to give you even more back.  so again thank you so much and stick around for the adventure!  🙂

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