Starting in S3E2 the Knights of the Glen are mustering support in the war against Lord Pallus! ย If you are…
Champion Tier Expanding!
I’ve added a few more chairs to the table! ย Tell a friend to jump into our prequel Game the second…
Dice Tower Theatre Discord Chat!
ย I am opening up our Discord Chat to all Patrons! ย Come chat with the cast of the show, behind…
Brave Adventures Minis are ready!ย this link should get you to the free discount for the minis. ย ๐ would love to see pictures of…
Thank you!
Big thanks to all you Patrons. ย Because of your support we were able to make a purchase that will expand…
More Behind S2E8 – Part 4 Dragon Building
How I manipulated the voice of Piper Cleaveland to make Beryl the 80 ft Green Dragon
Behind the Scenes 3 – Workflow Part 2
Well i just noticed this is all just on me, no screen shots. ย but it does show some more of…
Behind the Scenes 2 – Workflow Part 1
LOL so I recorded this while working on S2E8. ย It is ROUGH and frankly you get to see me bumble…
The mental break of Vix (S2E4)
Art by Storm S. Cone (The voice of Zane and Player of Sophie)
Zane’s look Behind the Magic
Zane (Storm) sent this to me for you all to see a little snippet behind the scenes of one of…