Aurora CO, United States

A secret to the timeline

There actually is an interesting fact about the show and its timeline of events.  

When we first Began playing together it was a birthday game with Brian as the DM.  Cody played a swashbuckler named Zorin, Mike played a paladin named Keldor, Colten played a dwarf barbarian named Skotmir, Jessica played a Life Cleric (and cant remember her name hahaha) and Phil played an elf wizard named Vix.

After the one shot we played Ravenloft, the original I6 itself.  Mike DM’d with Cody, Brian and Joleen.  After a few months Mike decided to put together the group to play our Dawn of Dragons world.  Which originally started off as Dragonlance from 20 years of memory which morphed into something completely different.

But everyone rolled up new characters except Cody.  he wanted to play Zorin.  So Mike chopped all their stats in half and had them start as children.  After playing the events of the prologue to explain thier backgrounds and class choices, they moved on.  After Cordelia’s test Zorin recieved the same invitation from 3 years ago for that birthday party game.  Everyone laughed as they realized the old group except for Jessica would be joining as well.  So the next episode (S2E1) is in fact the first game we ever played together. 

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